Latest news

May 2024

Work-in-Space News 15th May 2024

Europe and the Netherlands make Copernicus satellite data more accessible to boost use   The European Commission is making its Earth observatio[more]

Work-in-Space News 15th May 2024

While NASA’s VIPER team has been focused on building the flight rover that will go to the South Pole of the Moon, the team has also been making [more]

Work-in-Space News 15th May 2024

New funding from the UK Space Agency is backing technologies to help satellites measure our changing shorelines, estimate levels of biomass, predict w[more]

Work-in-Space News 15th May 2024

The ESA's spacecraft control centre of the future   “ESA’s new operations centre will be efficient, sustainable, adaptable and acce[more]

March 2024

Work-in-Space News 26th March 2024

Streamlined Environmental Licensing and Sustainable Data for Spaceport Success     For the last five years, Ruth Fain, head of advisory f[more]

Space Flight Laboratory 18th March 2024

Two Small Satellites for NASA Astrophysics Pioneers Program   Two small satellites for the NASA Astrophysics Pioneers Program are under develop[more]

Work-in-Space News 18th March 2024

Startical Selects Nanoavionics and Gomspace Satellites to Carry Out the Concept Trials of its Constellation, That Will Take Air Traffic Control to Spa[more]

June 2021

Work-in-Space News 29th June 2021

Silicon Sensing showcases new, space-focused inertial measurement products at Space-Com Silicon Sensing Systems is exhibiting inertial measurement te[more]

October 2020

Work-in-Space News 3rd October 2020

Northrop Grumman Successfully Launches 14th Cargo Delivery Mission to the International Space Station    Northrop Grumman successfully lau[more]

May 2019

Work-in-Space News 30th May 2019

ROCC will control Rover surface operations as it searches for signs of past or present life   The ExoMars 2020 Rover Operations Control Center [more]

Work-in-Space News 30th May 2019

Airbus has signed a contract with Inmarsat, the world leader in global mobile satellite communications, to design, manufacture and build the first in [more]

January 2019

Work-in-Space News 15th January 2019

NATO Deploys Globalstar’s IoT Satellite Technology for Oceanography Research   Globalstar Europe Satellite Services Ltd., a wholly owned [more]

October 2018

Sapienza Consulting 17th October 2018

Sapienza Consulting Signs Contract with MT Aerospace Noordwijk, 21 September 2018 – Sapienza Consulting has inked a three-year contract to supp[more]

September 2018

Sapienza Consulting 24th September 2018

Sapienza Consulting Holding BV and MOLTEK Consultants Ltd  enter into due diligence process for the acquisition of MOLTEK Noordwijk, 24 Septembe[more]

November 2017

Work-in-Space News 22nd November 2017

SES and ESA Set Up New Government Satcom Platform   SES leads a European consortium of industry partners to sign an agreement with the European[more]

October 2017

Sapienza Consulting 12th October 2017

LIFT, the innovative talent matching startup, launches Schiphol Career appAmsterdam, Schiphol Airport, 12 October 2017   Lift BV, the The Hague[more]

September 2017

Sapienza Consulting 25th September 2017

Sapienza Consulting Signs Contract with Reaction Engines Ltd19/09/2017 Noordwijk, 19 September 2017 – Sapienza Consulting today has signed a th[more]

July 2017

Work-in-Space News 6th July 2017

BepiColombo - a four in one satellite to uncover Mercury´s mysteries In a 6.4-metre stack, the spacecraft is undergoing final testing in flight[more]

June 2017

Sapienza Consulting 22nd June 2017

Sapienza Consulting Wins a Competitive Frame Contract for Industrial Support to ESA Directorates (2017-2022) Sapienza Consulting ltd, a company of th[more]

Work-in-Space News 14th June 2017

First ten satellites in the Iridium NEXT constellation, built by Thales Alenia Space, now validated in orbit. The second batch of satellites ready for[more]

Work-in-Space News 14th June 2017

Airbus celebrates 10 years of precision and reliability of TerraSAR-X satellite   Designed to operate for five years, Airbus’s Synthetic [more]

Sapienza Consulting 7th June 2017

Sapienza Consulting Awarded Three-Year Contract by RAL Space Noordwijk, 30 May 2017 – Sapienza Consulting today announces it has been awarded a[more]

Sapienza Consulting 7th June 2017

Sapienza’s ECLIPSE Suite becomes a supplier on the UK Government’s Digital Marketplace for G Cloud 9Noordwijk, 31 May 2017 – Sapienz[more]

Sapienza Consulting 6th June 2017

New revolutionary way to recruit talents for the space industry in the Netherlands, UK and beyond Manchester (UK), 1 June 2017 – Sapienza Consu[more]

May 2017

Sapienza Consulting 17th May 2017

Sapienza Consulting Invests in Innovative Dutch AI and Big-data Start-up – LIFT BV The Hague, 12 May 2017 – Sapienza Consulting Holding B[more]

April 2017

Work-in-Space News 4th April 2017

New Satellite to Enhance Communications Capabilities for Canadian Armed Forces Representatives from the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and Department of[more]

March 2017

Work-in-Space News 31st March 2017

Airbus-built satellite SES-10 successfully launched   Satellite to replace and provide additional capacity for TV, enterprise and mobility serv[more]

Work-in-Space News 15th March 2017

Airbus ships first high-power all-electric EUTELSAT 172B satellite to Kourou for Eutelsat   EUTELSAT 172B, the first high power all-electric te[more]

Work-in-Space News 9th March 2017

Velconet selects EUTELSAT 115 West B to provide broadband across the Southern Cone   Velconet SA, an Argentinian telecommunications company spe[more]

Work-in-Space News 8th March 2017

Intelsat General becomes Airbus channel partner for military satellite communications   Airbus Defence and Space has signed Intelsat General to[more]

Work-in-Space News 7th March 2017

Arianespace’s ninth flight with the lightweight launcher delivered Europe’s Sentinel-2B Earth observation satellite to orbit tonight durin[more]

Work-in-Space News 3rd March 2017

SPACECOM’S AMOS-7 communication satellite begins operations at 4°w ‘hot-spot’   Spacecom has announced that the AMOS-7 co[more]

February 2017

Work-in-Space News 22nd February 2017

Geoscience Australia, an Australian agency and Lockheed Martin have entered into a collaborative research project to show how augmenting signals from [more]

Work-in-Space News 15th February 2017

Airbus-built SKY Brasil-1 satellite successfully launched by Ariane 5    SKY Brasil-1, a telecommunications satellite made by Airbus Def[more]

Work-in-Space News 15th February 2017

Telkom 3S communication satellite built by Thales Alenia Space has been successfully launched The Telkom 3S telecommunications satellite built by T[more]

Work-in-Space News 14th February 2017

Three Thales Alenia Space telecom satellites ready at Europe’s Spaceport SGDC for Brazil, Koreasat 7 for South Korea and Telkom 3S for Indonesi[more]

Work-in-Space News 9th February 2017

UK Government launches £10 million scheme to incentivise the commercial spaceflight market   Grants worth £10 million are being mad[more]

Work-in-Space News 9th February 2017

Enabling small-satellite launches and sub-orbital flights from the UK.   We intend to publish a draft spaceflight bill later this month, dedica[more]

Work-in-Space News 8th February 2017

Satellites are fueled and ready to go for Arianespace’s first Ariane 5 mission of 2017   The two telecommunications satellites for Ariane[more]

Work-in-Space News 7th February 2017

e2v delivers first Euclid flight hardwaree2v has developed a new Charge Coupled Device (CCD) imaging sensor for the space telescope and the first four[more]

Work-in-Space News 2nd February 2017

Wind satellite heads for final testingThe road to realising ESA’s Aeolus mission may have been long and bumpy, but developing novel space techno[more]

Work-in-Space News 1st February 2017

HISPASAT 36W-1 Put in Orbit With the New Generation Digital Payload Redsat Led by Thales Alenia Space Spain   The Hispasat 36W-1 satellite of t[more]

Work-in-Space News 1st February 2017

UK Space Agency funds satellite solutions for developing countries 26 January 2017 – The UK Space Agency’s International Partnership Prog[more]

Work-in-Space News 1st February 2017

SES have announced today that MX1 and ASTRA, the largest European Direct-to-Home (DTH) satellite system, have extended their contracts with Disco[more]

January 2017

Work-in-Space News 27th January 2017

Raytheon completes factory acceptance testing of flight operations system for NASA's James Webb Space Telescope   Raytheon completed factory ac[more]

Work-in-Space News 26th January 2017

Tim Peake officially opens Airbus Foundation Discovery Space in Stevenage   British European Space Agency astronaut Tim Peake has officially op[more]

Work-in-Space News 24th January 2017

NTU successfully launches its 7th satellite into space   Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has successfully launched [more]

Work-in-Space News 24th January 2017

Iridium Announces Successful First Launch of Iridium NEXT Satellites     Iridium Communications has announced the successful launch o[more]

Work-in-Space News 24th January 2017

Masdar Institute signs MoU with Thales / Thales Alenia Space and MINES ParisTech to Develop Applications for Innovative Airship Masdar Institute of S[more]

Work-in-Space News 24th January 2017

The two telecommunications satellites for Arianespace’s first Ariane 5 liftoff of 2017 are undergoing checkout at the Spaceport in preparation f[more]

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