Work-in-Space News2017-02-14 11:04:00

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Three Thales Alenia Space telecom satellites ready at Europe’s Spaceport

SGDC for Brazil, Koreasat 7 for South Korea and Telkom 3S for Indonesia all now ready for launch at Guiana Space Center in French Guiana

 Brazil’s SGDC geostationary defense and secure communications satellite and South Korea’s Koreasat 7 telecommunications satellite, both built by Thales Alenia Space, have just arrived at the Guiana Space Center, Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, where they will be lofted in a dual launch on March 21 by Ariane 5.

They join the Telkom 3S satellite, built by Thales Alenia Space for the Indonesian operator Telkom Indonesia, and slated for launch today, February 14.

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